I've had a passion for cartoons since before I can remember!! Here are various shows that mean a lot to me. Click to expand!
SpongeBob SquarePants

SpongeBob SquarePants is a Nickelodeon cartoon that first aired in May 1999. It was created by Stephen Hillenburg. Stephen Hillenburg had previously worked on a show called Rocko's Modern Life, which is where he met many of the writers & the cast we know & love on SpongeBob.
Personally, I feel that SpongeBob shaped entire generations of kids. I always pitied my peers who were forbidden from watching the show... My parents love SpongeBob, & my autistic younger brother learned to speak because of the show. (He has all the first 3 seasons of SpongeBob memorized & still communicates often via quotes.) It truly shaped my life. I will never get tired of this funny little guy.

I had tons of SpongeBob merchandise growing up. I will eventually showcase some of it here. My younger brother & I had every VHS & DVD, many toys, pajamas, plates, dishes, stationery, etc.! One of my favorite things we had were all (or most?) of the SpongeBob Plug-n-Play TV games. We played those so much. They varied from wonderfully fun to absolute trash, but quality didn't matter because it was SpongeBob!!
I also played a lot of SpongeBob flash games on the old website back in the day. Boy, do I miss that. Thankfully, I've been able to find quite a bit of the old flash games on the Internet Archive. If I ever find a way to make them work via modern methods, I would absolutely make an arcade section to this site.
To Do:
- Add SpongeBob episode reviews.
- Showcase SpongeBob plug 'n plays
- Decorate section more