It's My Birthday!
December 22nd, 2023
Hello everyone!
Today is my birthday! I'm officially a quarter of a century old. Pretty crazy I've existed for so long now. I still feel like a kid, haha. I guess you could say I'm a kid with adulthood benefits!
Jokes aside, I'm happy to have completed yet another orbit around the sun. Here's to more years & more fun!

My goal for age 25 is to finally start adulting properly lol. I'd like to get my license & maybe even see if I can handle getting a job. Autism has made things like this hard for me, but I think I'm ready to take some more steps. (At least, if my colitis allows me to!)
Speaking of my colitis, the flareup I was in ended just in time for my birthday & Christmas. I can enjoy things again & eat whatever I want without pain now. Yay!
Anyway, in case I don't remember to post this: Happy Holidays! Merry Christmas to those who celebrate & happy new years!!